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We create strategies for the improvement, care and permanence of cocoa-growing families and their cocoa crops, in addition to the creation of efficient commercial and agricultural models in all our regions. We seek to achieve organized systems that guarantee profitable income thanks to the most exclusive cocoa and Of the highest quality.
Create pride in the cocoa trade, ensuring the care and permanence of local crops.
Generate decent income through the sale of a better product thanks to good planting and post-harvest processes.
Encourage the implementation of productive systems under the criteria of regenerative agriculture.
Education with technical emphasis on traditional farm models and business models for entrepreneurship.
Focused on productivity Initiatives that guarantee that current and next generations see profitability in their farms and in the cocoa business model.
Share with our associated family farms the best and new harvest and post-harvest practices.
The “Finca Escuela”, more than a place, is the strategy to learn from the territory and teach and share our knowledge.
One of our goals, to achieve the permanence of young people in the region through of the development of enterprises of agricultural services for cocoa.
We teach producers what is necessary to achieve knowledge and expertise about the production of special cocoa, closing the existing knowledge gaps.
Our pedagogies are aligned with the reading of the territory, adapting to the particularities in which the community interacts and learns from its environment.
The “Finca Escuela” also makes us students, the communities have practices and knowledge specific ones that we can learn from and replicate.
Each School create a planting model consistent with the region's planting systems and infrastructure physics for the training of our audiences.
Acciones para mejorar los procesos de cosecha y poscosecha para lograr mejores granos de cacao y fincas más sostenibles.
We accompany the producing families with an expert extensionist to share the knowledge that we generate collectively to be applied on their farms.
Currently in Colombia,cocoa productivity per hectare is very low, but it improves substantially, if has the appropriate genetics and good planting practices.
We seek to ensure that each farm applies innovative methods for disposal and < /span>reuse of organic waste.
Beneficiary families are provided:
We want to generate added value in cocoas, through new and better knowledge applied in the territory.
Join us as a customer of our Cacao. Join our project and let's work together for a more sustainable country.